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2024 finalists

Congratulations to to the people, teams and innovations that have made this year's shortlist.

Engineers in Society: Team Awards

Future proofing the UK railway with an on-board digital safety system which enhances safety, efficiency, and interoperability across rail networks. Provides a continuous, automated system which communicates directly with trains, with real-time data.

A team of Engineering PhD Students, Academic and Industry Senior Researchers and Academic and Industry Investigators who are inspired by extending the life of our nations’ ageing road infrastructure through safe, pro-active, automated monitoring and effective early intervention repairs.

Committed to developing a scalable, tamper-proof, ready-to-use software solutions, eliminating counterfeit/compromised electronics hardware which address critical societal challenges.

Hong Kong Productivity Council
Team of five who are determined to excel and inspire society in their mission to make a difference, to provide, and engineer a smarter future for our city in a better world beyond generations.

SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Combining their diverse expertise and unique skills resulted in the development of an innovative auditory training kiosk tailored to the specific needs of children with hearing loss. 

Structural Evolution Ltd
A project for a seawater life support system which installed a new 27m seawater intake line to enhance marine research for Plymouth Marine Biological Association. This project was a collaborative effort and relied on strong teamwork between various partners. Collaborators involved in the project are: Marine Biological Association, Structural Evolution Ltd., Arc Marine, ScaffFloat, Seawide Services and WH Scott & Son Engineers Ltd.

Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub
Team of leading, diverse specialists in research, radiology, surgery, computer science and more united in their mission to transform decision support in Oesophageal Cancer.

University College London
A team of engineering and clinical experts which created a patient specific neck collar. Prof. Deepak Kalaskar – led UCL’s efforts, Consultant Neurosurgeon Mr. Kia Rezajooi - led clinical feasibility study with patient selection, while Spinal Surgeon, Mr. Sanganagouda Patil and Senior Orthotist Dr. Jim Ashworth-Beaumont finalised the collar with patient-specific customisation.

Go to Engineers in Society: Team Awards


Beijing Jiaotong University
TwinSWAN optimises 3D wireless networks using three platforms: a 3D wireless observer for UAV-captured radio maps, a high-performance ray tracer for real-time spatial channels, and an AI network optimiser for autonomous evolution.

MTR Corporation Limited
Smart Guardian is a scalable AI solution for autonomously detecting suspicious objects in busy environments, using advanced computer vision and deep learning technologies.

China Electric Power Research Institute – Jiaying Lin
Power Distribution Internet of Things is a system of smart electric devices, app-driven edge gateways, affordable connections, and control centers with app repositories, offering ultra-low latency services and deep insights into power distribution.

Hong Kong Productivity Council
C-V2X and AI enabled cooperative autonomous roadwork vehicle cluster.

MTR Corporation
Intelligent Safety 2.0 system represents a cutting-edge solution which significantly improves light rail safety.

China Electric Power Research Institute – Linru Jiang
The innovation aims to build a charging scene of "charging economy and convenience, safe charging process, and rapid operation and maintenance response”.

Tsinghua University
UHV hybrid DC transmission technology.

Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Making the invisible become touchable: 3D printing of realistic anatomical model with tactile reality.

Stanford University
Rapid, accurate and generalisable machine learning head models for mTBI.

State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Controllable line-commutated converter.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Active magnetic bearings: the core technology for high-speed compressor and flywheel energy storage.

Go to International Award (Submissions outside UK and Europe)